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The enterprise VARIAN srl recycles, both in
the Yard and near his/her own site
authorized site in Gualdo Cattaneo(PG)-Loc.
Villarode any kinds of material coming from
the activity of demolition.
In this activity we use there of Mobile
Plant Of Shattering it is Selection note
authorized on the whole national territory,
self-sufficient characterized by elevated
daily ability and by low noisiness as well
as of autonomous demolition of dusts in his/her
own workmanships.
The first passage is the selection of the
rubbles with the elimination of all the
refusals of other categories that can be
performed on the spot thanks to the most
modern and efficient systems furniture of
selection and shattering for then to start
them to the plant of recycling.
In the following passages the material in
assorted size is mixed for conferring him
acceptable characteristics of resistance and
you/he/she is calibrated according to a
determined fused grain to get a best